Prolific Survey How it Works & What To Expect
Prolific Survey How it Works & What To Expect

Prolific Survey How it Works & What To Expect

Take part in world-changing surveys. Get paid to share your opinions, experience and knowledge with researchers across academia, industry and AI.

With regular and interesting ways to participate, guaranteed hourly wages and complete flexibility.

Share your voice and contribute to valuable surveys from the comfort of your home. Earn rewards while helping researchers across the globe.

What is prolific?

Prolific is one of the best platforms for earning free PayPal money. It allows you to easily earn funds by completing online surveys and answering questions from universities, companies, and AI developers that need diverse and valuable opinions to improve their performance.


prolific logo

  • Project Creation: Researchers design their studies on Prolific, outlining the research goals, target demographics, and desired survey format (e.g., multiple choice, open-ended questions).
  • Participant Recruitment: Prolific utilizes participant profiles and screening questions to match researchers with qualified individuals. This ensures the researcher gathers data from the most relevant audience for their study.
  • Data Collection: Participants complete the online surveys hosted on the Prolific platform. The platform streamlines data collection, ensuring secure and reliable transfer of responses to researchers.
  • Data Analysis: Researchers can access the collected data after participant completion and analyze it to gain valuable insights for their research project.

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How does it works?

It connects researchers with a diverse pool of participants for online surveys. Also, it provides a user-friendly platform for both researchers and participants, ensuring smooth data collection and fair compensation.

prolific surveys

How much money can I make with prolific?

At prolific, they have their own ethical payment principles. We implement a minimum hourly reward of £6/$8 to ensure all participants are paid fairly.

However, as mentioned above, higher payments can impact data quality. Some surveys even pay hourly rates of $20+ with additional bonuses.

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Maximizing your earnings on prolific:

Here are some tips on how to make more money on Prolific:

  • Complete your profile thoroughly: The more detailed your profile is (age, location, interests, etc.), the better chance you have of matching with relevant studies that pay more.
  • Be active and check the platform regularly: New surveys are posted frequently, so checking regularly increases your chances of finding high-paying surveys.
  • Qualify for screener questions honestly: Don’t try to fit into surveys you don’t qualify for. Failing screeners wastes your time and can affect your eligibility for future surveys.
  • Focus on high-paying surveys: Look for surveys with a higher hourly rate compared to the estimated time commitment.
  • Focus on high-paying surveys: Look for surveys with a higher hourly rate compared to the estimated time commitment.
  • Complete studies attentively: Read instructions carefully and avoid rushing through them. Researchers may reject submissions that seem inattentive, impacting your earnings.
  • Maintain a good approval rating: Strive to complete surveys with high quality. A good approval rating can lead to more survey opportunities.

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How to activate prolific through Non-VoIP numbers?

1- Head to the prolific website

2- Click “Sign Up”
3- Go to the Non-VoIP website and log in or create an account if you don’t have one.
4- Type “Prolific” in the search bar.Non-VoIP website

5- Get a temporary or rental number and activate your account.
6- Complete your profile: This includes information like your age, location, interests, and any relevant skills or experience. The more detailed your profile, the more studies you’ll be eligible for.

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How to withdraw my earnings on prolific?

Your actual balances are displayed in the currency they were earned in. These are the amounts you cash out to PayPal. Any currency conversion will be managed in PayPal.

When you’re ready to withdraw your earnings, simply click the “cash out” button. Prolific transfers the funds directly to your linked PayPal account.

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Prolific is a legitimate platform for earning extra income by sharing your valuable insights. While not a path to riches, it’s a flexible and rewarding way to contribute to research and diversify your income streams.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve your financial situation! Sign up for prolific platform and start using Non-VoIP numbers to increase your income now.

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